The Smart Toaster

Stella was in the living room drinking a glass of wine when Tariq pulled into the driveway. He unlocked the door and entered to find her sitting in the dark alone. The television was not on.

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RIP Frankenstein

“Victor, are you with us?” asked Dr. Walton from a seated position at his desk.

“What?” said Victor. He sat in a chair in front of the desk. His feet and wrists were shackled. Two armed guards stood outside the door in case of an emergency.

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Ripley and Meri

Ripley leaned back in his chair to take a break from staring at the glare of the computer screen. He had been watching video footage from a trail cam for hours and his back was getting sore.

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The maiden voyage of Titania was an event to be remembered. All of the top news programs and newspapers had been talking about it for over a year. It was the largest, most luxurious spacecraft built in history. The vessel was to orbit Earth for a week’s time providing a spectacular view for anyone lucky enough to be on board.

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